Weekly Blog By RJS


With Open Mind

“Soul is not contained in the limits of the Body; Body is contained in the Limitlessness of the Soul” – Jim Carey

Let us imagine this universe as a huge banyan tree which has its roots upward and branches down.
The branches of this tree extends downward and upward nourished by three modes of material nature.
The three modes of material nature are not just simple spiritual or psychological or spritualogical or sprituo-psychological Terms.
They are subtle forces that will influence our behaviour as well as every aspect of our physical mental and emotional world.
These are otherwise in Tamil called as Gunas (Gunam), In Sanskrit its meaning is Rope which pulls us to act in different ways even against our better sense or judgement.
Three modes of Nature:
Mode of Goodness (Satva Guna)
The mode of Passion (Rajo guna)
The mode of Ignorance (Tamo Guna)
The effect of Satva Guna are seen when an atmosphere of peace, Serenity and Harmony prevails in our environment and ourselves.
Rajo Guna is felt as insatiable desire for temporary things striving and working for more and more of them and ending in Perpetual dissatisfaction. (New Car, House, dress, etc..)
Tamo Guna is indicated when there is laziness, depression, intoxication and insanity.
Kriya yoga teaches us how to Identify these things which affects us and free ourselves from the influence of these modes of material nature.
Now coming back to the analogy of the Huge Banyan tree:
Kriya yoga techniques helps us to perceive this tree which otherwise cannot be realized by people who are influenced by three modes of material nature. The real form of this Tree cannot be perceived in this world. No one can understand where it begins and where it ends or where it foundation is.
A Yogi with strong sound and Hard core determination must cut this tree which influences you through three modes of material nature.
Kriya yoga techniques helps us to cut this tree down naturally by providing a sound weapon called Detachment.
When you use this weapon called Detachment you are free from Illusion, False Prestige, False association, False ego (Ego is good but False Ego either leads you to Rajo Guna and deteriorates to Tamo guna is my opinion).
For the people who thinks the subject is dry, or for Sadhaks who think it is High level, I want to end this with a spicy story in JGs corner.

Title of story is Yogi and a young widow
Long Long ago, Very Long ago, nobody even knows how long ago.There Lived a Yogi in shared room accommodation in a house. He is Yogi in real sense, follow simple living High thinking following rigorous Yogic schedules waking up before Brahma muhurtham- doing Pranayama, dhyanam, yogic asanas, Mantra meditation and followed by Pooja for the deity he had in his room Eating once a day (Siddhas says Yogis will eat once, Boghis wil eat twice, Roghies will eat thrice) all in his single room accommodation. He works just for his day food not straining to make money for future……. when his life was going on a regular peaceful routine.
One day there came to his life a young beautiful widow who rented a room next to him. (mmmmm a Beautiful Neighbour)
There seems to be real change of atmosphere in the house, after the arrival of the Beautiful Lady. Every body noticed a distinct difference, visitors to the house increased lot of men are trying to impress and gain attention from her.
But for our Yogi he was continuing his routine as usual, He never talks to any body and always keeps to himself, once in a while he has visitors who comes for any health advise or gaining healing techniques.
This was a KIND of strange for the beautiful neighbour, who in her life did not come across any Man who can be so sincere and so different. As a Yogi he had a natural charm with a robust and healthy physique; this girl was enamoured always keep watching him when he is doing exercise or when he is doing Pooja..
One day there was a bit of commotion in the neighbourhood as every body was shocked to hear and notice the young widow is pregnant. The girl did not open up to any body on who is the cause of pregnancy. Entire village suspect the Father is Yogi and asks him to take responsibility. One fine day she delivers a beautiful baby boy and vanishes from the room leaving the baby in Yogi’s room when he was in deep meditation.
When the Baby wakes up and starts crying Yogi got up and searches for the mother who is no where to be seen. The Local Panchayat court tells Yogi to take the responsibility of the child. Rearing a child is not easy specially for a man who never dreamt of having relationship other than the relationship with the god. Now the Life of yogi has totally changed he did not have time for his Yogic routines Like pranayama dhyanam Pooja etc… He has to work a little extra hours for fulfilling the needs of the baby
His life is now totally dedicated to the baby giving milk changing diapers taking it to a doctor all the things a mother has to do.. Life goes on like this for Three years. By Now Yogi started adopting to the baby routines.
Then one Fine day the Young widow reappears and asks for the baby as the father of the baby has finally accepted her and she is going to live with him. Now the entire Village and neighbour hood with out any hesitation change tracks and felt bad for accusing Yogi of Impropriety.

Yogi never said a word gave the baby back to her and went to his room as Locked himself up.

He woke up next day morning for his Brahmma muhurta sadhana Pranayam meditaion Yogic exercise Pooja …….is continuing ….

Stayed tuned for more weekly blogs by RJS

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